Increase Traffic to Your Website From Google

The SEO course teaches you how to rank higher on Google and earn more organic traffic.

Let me know if this sounds familiar

You’ve been trying to learn SEO. You’re reading this now, and let me guess, you’ve probably tried to do a few (or all) of the following things
You’ve read tons of articles about why you NEED to do this one very specific highly-technical SEO tactic or you will FAIL
You’ve tried talking to SEO specialists or following experts on social media – but you ended up more confused than before
You’ve heard about secret “hacks” that allow people to trick Google and get higher rankings quickly and easily
You signed up for an expensive SEO tool that you can't figure out and don't understand half of the things it offers

Most importantly, after everything you’ve tried, you’ve gotten exactly ZERO results for your clients or your own business.

Look, I've been there, and I'm the first to admit that there is definitely a struggle, and that struggle is definitely real.

But guess what? It's not your fault.

It took me a loooong time to figure this stuff out for myself. And my conclusion is this: The problem is not you… it’s the SEO industry.

SEO has a barrier of unnecessary complexity that's built on complicated technical information that 99% of people honestly don’t need.

It took me YEARS to learn how to get more organic traffic…but I promise you, it doesn’t have to be this way.

What if you could learn a repeatable framework to get higher rankings and more traffic?

  • Maybe you’d get more clients or charge more money for your services
  • Maybe you’d get more leads and sales for your business
  • Maybe you’d get a promotion or land your dream job

That’s what a fundamental knowledge of SEO can do for you.

Emphasis on the word fundamental.

You don’t need all the fluff, hacks, or the complicated technical stuff that the "gurus" make intentionally confusing.

Because the big dirty secret about search engine optimization is this:

SEO really isn’t that hard.

I’m definitely proof of that.

Today, all you really need to do is follow a very simple rule:

Are you helping search engines answer their user's questions?

That’s what the ClickMinded SEO Framework is all about:

  • Search engines become more valuable by getting more users (or more usage from existing users)
  • They do that by providing the best possible answer to their users
  • If you help search engines answer their user’s questions, they’ll give you a higher ranking
  • Search engines get more usage, and you get more traffic

That’s it.

Just figuring out what search engine users want and providing the best possible answer is what helped me fundamentally understand SEO.

We took this idea and implemented it at the last place I managed search engine optimization: Airbnb.

It worked out pretty well there:

Website Traffic Evolution Graph For AirBNB

And this isn’t just for massive companies. The ClickMinded SEO Framework has been used by thousands of digital agencies, marketers, entrepreneurs, and bloggers.

Meet your instructor

Tommy Griffith has been doing SEO strategy for nearly 10 years and has managed search engine optimization at companies like PayPal and Airbnb.
tommy profile

What our users are saying

Thanks to ClickMinded, I’m selling SEO packages for $1,500, and I net about $1,000 on those clients.
Bryan Likes
Freelance Marketer
My agency’s organic traffic grew by 232%.
Camilo Bernal
Agency Owner - DesignPlus
I used this information to launch my business in the USA and have so far doubled my income in a few months. The market is much larger so I expect to surpass my Canadian income with the US income.
Mike Grossman
Founder - PPE HQ
After obtaining ClickMinded's SEO certification I was able to land a job doing freelance SEO, which eventually led to a full­-time job. ClickMinded gave me a skill set that allowed me to impress my company and become a bigger asset for the team.
Lindsay A. Bull
Marketing Coordinator - Vantage Controls
Even with a decent amount of SEO experience, I learned new things. I've already started implementing many of the strategies for my clients.
Jay Strubel
Agency Owner
All the content we create is now written and posted in an SEO-proof way, which has led to a significant increase in organic traffic.
Jon Hungerford
Marketing Consultant
ClickMinded is amazing. I was tired of bullshit SEO hacks that rely on tricking google and end up really only hurting you in the long run. ClickMinded is best in class, solid, no-BS SEO training that works. I require all my marketers to take it.
Peter Keller
We use ClickMinded as a "Mandatory Guide" for our interns. They need to complete the course before they are allowed to join the execution team.
Radhakrishnan Kg
Agency Owner - WebNamaste

Here's what's included in the course.

ClickMinded teaches you EXACTLY how to get higher rankings and get more traffic as quickly as possible.
  • Discover the 22 tools I use to create the ideal environment setup to make your SEO life easier (and why every digital marketer should use this setup.)
  • The ONE thing you need to do before implementing your SEO strategy (this will make things a lot easier for you down the line)
  • How you can strategically use SEO to boost your entire sales funnel
  • A simple explanation of how SEO fundamentally works, and more importantly, what SEO is NOT
  • How to implement the ClickMinded Search Framework to ANY search engine (Google, Yelp, Amazon, Pinterest, YouTube, Quora, etc) so you can optimize for any platform and start ranking your content
  • How the idea of “query refinement” is one of the most important and underrated aspects of search engine optimization, and why just being on the first page of Google isn’t good enough anymore (you’ll also learn the ideal search engine position you should aim for and why.)
  • An in-depth explanation of the relationship between your sales funnel and searcher intent so you know which keywords belong in the top, middle, or bottom of the funnel (this will help you decide what kind of content to create for your users)
  • We'll walk you step-by-step on how to do keyword research by doing it for a brand new website (you’ll be able to apply the same process to your own site and discover massive opportunities)
  • Why you should use 3rd party tools instead of the Google Keyword Planner (and how to use them)
  • The 2 things that should drive your digital marketing strategy (and why you shouldn’t trust your gut)
  • Why you should overinvest in keyword research (your competitors aren’t doing this, so you beat them by putting the work upfront)
  • How to create a content plan based on your keyword research (and how to estimate the revenue to be generated by each piece of content)
  • How to reverse-engineer your competitors to find easy ranking opportunities (even with a new site)
  • How to get higher rankings by solving the “Document Relevancy” problem
  • The most common misunderstanding when it comes to optimizing content
  • The 8 on-page elements you need to optimize to SEO-proof all of your content (and the exact step-by-step process to get it done)
  • How to use Latent Semantic Indexing and why it’s important with the introduction of Google’s RankBrain (you’ll learn how to take advantage of “thematically relevant” keywords to get higher rankings)
  • Using “Link Neighborhoods” to boost your rankings by leveraging your competitor’s highest-ranking pages
  • How to discover quick and easy traffic wins that don’t require you to create any new content
  • The change in Google’s algorithm that changed the nature of link building forever (this is why most cheap link building services you find in Fiverr or Upwork just don’t work.)
  • My favorite process and SEO tools to find link prospects at scale (plus, how to analyze the “link profile” of massive websites, how to use that data to copy their strategy, and outrank them)
  • How to use a “CRM for link building” to sending personalized emails that get links
  • My 4 favorite tactics to build white-hat links (that work for any industry)
  • Introduction to Google Search Console and how to squeeze as much data about your search traffic as possible (plus, how to spot and fix common errors that prevent search engines from finding and indexing your pages.)
  • How to prepare for the mobile-first index (with modules about optimizing page speed, and the right and wrong ways to create a mobile-friendly site.)
  • Dealing with “Keyword Cannibalization” when you have thousands of duplicate pages (if you’re dealing with ecommerce websites, you HAVE to do this right.)
  • Why “structured data” is probably where the future of SEO lies (spoiler alert: this is critical for voice search.)
  • How PayPal and Airbnb managed optimizing sites for hundreds of languages and countries (and the 3 ways you can solve this problem yourself)
  • Launching a new site from scratch for your company or a client? In this step-by-step walkthrough will make sure that your strategy is bulletproof from the get-go

SEO is not just about Google. The search framework can be applied to any platform with a search engine.

  • Local SEO Mini-Course – $97 FREE: Do you or your clients have a local business? Learn how to optimize your site for local searches
  • Shopify SEO Mini-Course – $97 FREE: Learn the exact process to set up an SEO-friendly Shopify store from scratch
  • Pinterest SEO Mini-Course – $97 FREE: Pinterest is more like a search engine than a social network. Learn how to get your pins and boards ranked and generating traffic to your site
  • YouTube SEO Mini-Course – $97 FREE: YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world. This mini-course will teach you how to get your videos ranking in YouTube search results
  • Amazon SEO Mini-Course – $97 FREE: Running an eCommerce business and selling on Amazon? This mini-course will show you how to optimize your products for Amazon search

Earn your SEO Certification

The SEO class includes a certification. Finish the class, pass the final exam and you’ll earn the ClickMinded SEO certification. It integrates seamlessly with LinkedIn and it’s included in the class for free.

More testimonials from happy customers

This is the best SEO course I've ever purchased! (I've purchased the MOZ SEO bootcamps, Coursera SEO courses, bought countless books like: The Art of SEO, On Page SEO, etc.)

If you're looking to REALLY learn SEO from an honest, and credible source, then ClickMinded SEO course is the most comprehensive AND fun course you'll ever take—hands down.

Again, if you want to increase your website traffic just buy this course, you're getting a great deal.
Kenneth Melo
Founder - Kopygenius
I have used the tips and strategies shared by Tommy to train my own staff and SEO leads. By integrating these strategies as part of our processes, they consistently and successfully increased traffic to our clients' websites.

Due to these amazing results, my clients have gone out of their way to provide us with positive reviews and testimonials, which has helped us win awards as the best SEO company in Calgary, Alberta, and San Diego, California.
Ace Rashid
Founder - Ace SEO Consulting
I've been in the web design/SEO/digital marketing space for over 12 years so I'm not new to SEO. This course is a one-stop-shop for all things SEO

If you're new to SEO, are a business looking to do your own SEO, want to start offering SEO as a service, or are a seasoned SEO looking to stay current, the ClickMinded SEO Course is the only course you'll need.
Toni Taylor
Owner - Toni's Web Design
The ClickMinded SEO course is one of the most comprehensive courses on SEO out there. It is very thorough and covers all the aspects you need to know to start working on the SEO of your site. It even has specific bonus modules to learn more about SEO for YouTube, Amazon, and Pinterest. And if you don't have a website yet, this course has you covered. It includes a module on how to start an SEO friendly site from scratch.
Michiel Brand
SEO Specialist
The ClickMinded SEO course is AMAZING!

After learning how to build links (the right way!) I'm actually getting constant real-time traffic to a page I'm trying to promote. I know exactly what to do to get it to rank for its keyword so I'll just keep on going till it does.
Matthew Ziranek
Owner - Rocket Expansion
There are lots of SEO courses on the market (I've taken them), and the ClickMinded SEO course is the best in class for the following reasons -> it has a wide coverage, yet it is tactical & actionable. Theory is great, but results are more important. In this aspect, it is the Holy Grail & game changer. Showing me step-by-step how to do something for a newbie like me is EXTREMELY valuable!
Joseph Lau
Co-Founder - Nanogic

Choose Your ClickMinded Plan

Start for free, pick a Toolkit, or get the full Marketing Operating System.
Start for Free
Streamline processes, offer new services, delegate tasks, and train employees
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Starter SOPs
Starter Recipes
Starter Templates
Digital Marketing Mini-Courses
Pricing Table Facet - Toolkits
$99 billed annually
Action Plans that get work done
Get Instant Access
Everything in Free plus:
40+ SEO SOPs & Templates
Step-by-Step Guides and Tutorials
Downloadable and Editable
Project Management Integrations (Asana, ClickUp, Monday, Notion, Trello)
Learn more about this Toolkit
$999 billed annually
SOPs, templates, and courses to massively scale your revenue, customers, and operations
Get the mOS
Everything in Toolkit plus:
Complete SOP Library
Complete Course Library
Complete Template Library
Complete Prompt Library
SOP recipes (mix-and-match SOPs, Templates, & Prompts)
Instant Access to New SOPs

14 Day Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

Got any regrets? No problem! Just send us an email letting us know that you don’t want the product and we’ll refund 100% of your money – no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

ClickMinded is a massive library of world-class digital marketing courses and white-label documentation also known as SOPs - standard operating procedures.

It's designed to teach you how to massively increase traffic and sales for any website as quickly as possible, while also training up your team and outsourcing repeatable work and processes.

ClickMinded is organized into 3 core product:

Make sure to check with an accountant, CPA, or tax professional who's qualified to give advice based on your specific situation, however most of the users we survey end up expensing ClickMinded, because it's a relevant expense for their work or business (even so - this is not financial advice).

Yes! We can put your company name, address and VAT number on the invoice. Just reply back to your welcome email asking for a VAT invoice, include your company information and we'll send it right over.

ClickMinded courses are entry level to intermediate comprehension.

ClickMinded SOPs and documentation range from entry-level to advanced.

The courses are designed to gives folks a fundamental understanding of each category, and get you up to an intermediate understanding as quickly as possible.

The SOPs are designed to systemize and delegate digital marketing tasks, ranging from basic to extremely complicated.

Both the courses and SOPs include step-by-step walkthroughs are split up in a way so that the introductory content can be easily skipped if needed.


Each course ranges from 3-6 hours long, and they've been cut up into small, digestible and organized segments, so that you can easily refer back to specific lessons when you have questions.

ClickMinded courses are designed to be extremely actionable. With more than 50,000 folks enrolled into our products, we cover only as much theory as necessary before diving into actionable advice to get you results quickly.

Yes. The platform is 100% responsive and works on all mobile devices.

ClickMinded is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. The course includes unlimited lifetime access as well. Once you enroll, you'll never lose access to the content, and can refer back to it as much as you'd like.

None. You can learn everything in these courses through other people’s blog posts, forums and your own trial-and-error.

There is absolutely nothing secret here and you can absolutely teach yourself digital marketing and learn it all on your own.

ClickMinded is designed to make learning digital marketing easier and faster.

We've made it as easy and fast to learn as possible, but we won’t be teaching you anything you can’t learn on your own with enough time invested.

All courses and SOP products include a 14-day money-back guarantee.

All courses include unlimited lifetime access and free updates for life.

Yes. Anytime we push out an update to a course, that's included. For free. You'll get that automatically. Forever.

Actually, this happens all the time. That's why each course includes unlimited lifetime access, and free updates for life. If there is a change, you'll hear about it. And it's included in the course for free.

Each course includes a certification. Finish the course, pass the final exam and you'll earn your certification.


Certification is not required for this industry. The best people in the game don't have certifications, and for many people, you simply don't need one.

With that said, some people like to show future recruiters and clients that they (or their staff) have taken and earned a certification.

We've also received feedback that many employers won't expense the training without some type of evidence the student has completed the course. We got so many requests from our users for this, that we decided to add it.

Great! Contact us so that we can find a way to help.